
Our Custom Tab Extension for Magento2 is simple and very useful. That allow you to add your own tab in product page next to Reviews, Details and More Informations.


If You have in a certain situation an important product attribute, or whatever attribute that a product specialized with and you would rather to put it (as a tab)next to Reviews, so the customer would see it directly. custom-tab-page

You can set the store view label for the tab. Just go to Stores->Configuration->CUSTOM PRODUCT TAB->Custom Tab


To put the value of that custom tab(attribute). You will find it in Attributes group when you are adding a new product or editing a product.



To install our extension just put it in app/code/NovaMinds/Customattribute directory, cd to your magento2 root directory and run magento command: php bin/magento setup:upgrade

If you want to download and use it go to:

Our Extension on NMCIT